Job 7,1-4.6-7
1Cor 9,16-19.22-23
Mark 1,29-39
Sunday reflection
miracle occurred on a Saturday. Since Jesus was a Jew, He had spent the whole
morning in the synagogue at worship. Do you worship weekly? If no, Christ says
to you, "Gimmeabreak."
miracle site was Caphernaum. Since Caphernaum was Peter's hometown, he wisely
invited Jesus home for a lunch. Incidentally, one suspects Peter's house was a
welcoming home. Is ours?
before the Master finishes His lunch, Peter presents the request. Notice Peter
had no hesitation in asking Jesus for a cure. He knew He was able to do it. Why
then do we drag our feet in bringing our needs to Christ? We know that He is
able to do it!
all of us are told that when we are suffering, in any manner whatsoever, we
must reach out to the presence of God in every aspect of life. We believe that He
is present for us and with us through it all. We believe that He cries out with
us sharing our pain. Now, we must use this special presence of the Lord as a
way to come closer to the God who loves us, Who was one of us, Who died for us
and Who gave his life, eternal life, to us.
we ask our God, "When the difficulties of our human condition weigh
heavily upon us, dear Lord and Divine Lover, teach us how to pray."
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