Pastoral Blog ...
If I don’t say what you want to hear,
you will not listen to
what I have to say ...
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Today instead of the homily a wonderful message of the Pope Benedict XVI from 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2014
to obey God ...
Friday, December 26, 2014
Pharisees ...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Merry Christmas …
Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia …
Joyeux Noël …
Feliz Natal …
Feliz Navidad …
Krismasi Njema …
vision of Hell
It was for her a shocking therapy …
It's frustrating how blindly people are following for example the dietitian's advices and how stupidly –at the same time- they are rejecting much more important advices of Jesus. This is the most frustrating how blind people are, how blind and senseless … and when it comes to the final stage of their life, the only one who is responsible is …. Obviously God !!! He is to be blamed, He is to be accused, He is to be condemned for the catastrophe in my stupid life …
I don’t know why I see it in such a terribly dramatic way?
And what is more frustrating is the fact that seeing it in this way, I am living in the middle of all this and doing nothing!!!! or almost nothing. I have to smile nicely, to be polite, to not be judgmental, not offensive and to be kind … whereas inside everything is shouting: "wake up, we all are going to hell !!!!!!"
Yes, certainly God is in charge, but He gave us a free will and a responsibility for what we are doing and choosing … and it is true that somehow by this crazy Synod "the truth is being brought forward but much harm has already been done." This is the most frustrating moment in all the story … harm is done with a smile and kindness, harm is done in the politically correct way, the people are guided to hell with a smile and in a "Hallmark nice way", and they follow it like a blind sheep … happy and almost delighted …
This was the situation of St. Theresa of Avilla, who until the certain moment in her Carmelite's life (some 20 years after entering convent) was living a very worldly life … it was just the vision of hell what shocked her deeply and converted her.
I wish sincerely for all and every Christian to have this grace to experience the vision of Hell … Maybe it's a shocking therapy, but better a shocking therapy thenshocking final and eternal damnation …
Monday, December 22, 2014
distraction ...
The job of media is not to inform, but to misinform. The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction which is to divert public attention from important issues and changes by the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information.
Noam Chomsky
The perfect example of this strategy is Facebook, where the flood of insignificant informations and distractions is continuous.
We can see a similar technic, or distraction strategy in the "church of nice", where the important element if faith: sin, necessity of conversion, salvation, danger of the eternal damnation are continuously flooded by secondary and ultimately not important or insignificant distractions, like "social justice", he/she problem in the Bible and liturgy, decoration of the churches, pseudo-ecumenical movements, etc. all this is only a strategy of diverting our attention from the fundamental problem of the SALVATION OF MEN! And who is behind this strategy? Is it not the father of lies?
Saturday, December 20, 2014
diagnosis ...
Perverse quest for pleasure is pushing the whole western civilization into madness. Nobody is reacting, nobody is protesting being afraid to be accused of judgmentalism or rudeness. Political correctness and "niceness" are the most important and the only correct attitudes toward the capricious and decadent society. This seems to be a mass moral, cultural and sociological suicide in an atmosphere of universal permissiveness ....Evil and immorality are becoming more and more arrogant and the moral tsunami going through the entire western civilization is leaving after its successive waves a total disaster and absolute ruins. It's a kind of well known truism that the civilization is dying ...
And people are "eating and drinking, selling and buying, planting and building" ..... being absolutely unaware of what is really happening ...
Luc 17:26-30
"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. "It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
Diagnoza ...
Przewrotne poszukiwanie najniższych, prawie zwierzęcych przyjemności pcha całą zachodnią cywilizację w szaleństwo. Nikt nie reaguje, nikt nie protestuje bojąc się być oskarżonym o wydawanie wyroków, potępianie i chamstwo. Polityczna poprawność i fałszywa uprzejmość to jedyne akceptowane postawy względem kapryśnego, perwersyjnego i dekadenckiego społeczeństwa. Wygląda na to, że cała cywilizacja zachodnia postanowiła popełnić moralne, kulturalne i społeczne samobójstwo w atmosferze powszechnej akceptacji perwersji i zboczeń ...
Zło i niemoralność stają się coraz bardziej aroganckie, a moralne tsunami (jakie przetacza się przez całą zachodnią cywilizację) z jego kolejnymi falami, pozostawia po sobie całkowite zniszczenie, ruiny i rumowisko. Jest powszechnie uznawanym truizmem stwierdzenie, że zachodnia cywilizacja umiera. I nikt się tym specjalnie nie przejmuje ....
Ludzie "jedzą i piją, sprzedają i kupują, sadzą i budują" .... Będąc całkowicie nieświadomi, albo wprost nie chcąc wiedzieć co się naprawdę dzieje z całą perwersyjną cywilizacją zachodnią ...
Łukasz 17:26-30
"Jak działo się za dni Noego, tak będzie również za dni Syna Człowieczego: jedli i pili, żenili się i za mąż wychodziły aż do dnia, kiedy Noe wszedł do arki; nagle przyszedł potop i wygubił wszystkich. Podobnie jak działo się za czasów Lota: jedli i pili, kupowali i sprzedawali, sadzili i budowali, lecz w dniu, kiedy Lot wyszedł z Sodomy, spadł z nieba deszcz ognia i siarki i wygubił wszystkich; tak samo będzie w dniu, kiedy Syn Człowieczy się objawi."
Friday, December 19, 2014
Church in need ...
listen to God ....
"I’ve decided I have to obey God’s law and not the State’s law. Which will land you in a lot of trouble.
I wouldn’t be a good monk if I didn’t exhort you to repentance and conversion to Christ. I have no hatred for ‘Gays’ as individuals, but as a political movement you are Antichrist and the Devil’s disciples, and the Lord has told me to oppose you.”
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
the time of justice, the end of time ....
Sunday, December 14, 2014
upsetting Good News ....
MThe mission of the Church is to save the world (the humanity) and not to please everybody ...
You were called by Christ to bring to people the Good News, but they don't need it, they prefer the "nice news".
It's not the truth you can and should announce them and take care of but you have to be nice ... And indeed you try to be. By the way do you know that in the Middle Ages the word "nice" meant stupid and foolish. And so you are stupid and foolish trying to be nice and to avoid any "hot" and sensitive topic, so not to upset or offend anybody.
Jesus is commanding you "preach the truth" and you are oblige to talk about the weather because this is -most probably- the only one non sensitive and not touchy topic for the majority of our contemporaries.
People won't like to listen about the salvation, because this is causing a serious discomfort, especially in the situation of sin. So they prefer to talk about nothing. They are talking about the "gentleness" of Christ going to search a lost sheep, but they forget that the same Christ started His Messianic teaching with a very strong appeal "convert and believe in the Good News".
Where are we going and where will we arrive with this "nice and sissified pastoral work?"
The only answer is ... To Hell !!!
Was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Wisdom and the Love incarnated not criticized, neglected and rejected? What else do you expect thus? The Son of God came and proposed people the salvation and the eternal life, the eternal happiness and they crucified Him, because they preferred the "nice news" and they were "upset" with the Good News!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
The Spiritual Tsunami
Lawlessness is what fills a moral vacuum. So these social ills are actually symptoms of a greater disease: loss of faith in God. And this is preparing the world for the next, and most dangerous wave…
The Spiritual Tsunami
Friday, December 12, 2014
Itching ears ...
"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2Tim 4:3)
They are doing this because they are searching for a "NICE NEWS" and not for the GOOD NEWS. .... Nowadays everything MUST be nice, otherwise some people feel "upset" or "offended" ... For them the Good News about the sin and the necessity of conversion as well as about Jesus Christ liberating us from the slavery of sin through His Passion, Death and Resurrection is upsetting and offensive... It certainly is not nice !!!! So they are searching for teachers, who will say them what they would like to hear. This is a very sad reality and -most probably- the cutest invention of devil ...
All those who are searching for the "Nice News" will never listen to the things like that:
"The Moral Tsunami is essentially a description of the sexual revolution that has swept through modern civilization. The three waves of contraception, cultural immorality, and pornography have virtually destroyed the moral foundations of society—particularly in the West (which has merely exported debauchery to the rest of the world.) [1] What we are seeing today is the debris left behind these destructive waves. Everything today has been covered in the silt of impurity; the definition of marriage has been toppled; and our sexual identities, which carry a theology of the image of God, have splintered into a multitude of ambiguities. Pope Benedict’s comparison of our times to the collapse of the Roman Empire is even more relevant now than when he spoke of it at Christmas four years ago."
to read more see links below ...
The Spiritual Tsunami
Persecution! …and the Moral Tsunami
Friday, December 05, 2014
arrogance and apathy ....
Variations on a theme
of arrogance and apathy of modern civilization ...
this topic bothers
me lastly a lot …
There are two the most visible, and most terrifying
diseases of modern, post-industrial society:
Arrogance and apathy of a well feed and overconfident society seeking only for entertainment.
And if something does not give entertainment it is not worth to deal with or
take it seriously ...
It is a kind of paranoia and dementia. People are like
blinded in their pride, arrogance, vanity, egotism and stubbornly persist in
their mistakes ... Where this comes from, what is the source of this attitude???
On the one hand, they have a deep sense of emptiness and worthlessness, but –on
the other side- they reject what could save them, and as delirious they follow evil.
They are lost and deeply confused.
Or "someone" confused them ...
But perhaps the most shocking and devastating example
is human arrogance is the attitude in front of GOD. It is like we're trying to
teach Him what is good for us and what is bad, what is virtue and what is a vice
... This is exactly the "replay of original sin." This is the SIN of
Adam and Eve, who refused obedience to God, because in their -full of arrogance-
pride and haughtiness they KNEW BETTER!
These two diseases cause that practically no one can or
is even able to help the modern man.
Arrogant person will not accept any help, he/she
always knows better. In his/Herę arrogant pride he/she is so deeply convinced that
the reason is always on his/her side, that no words, no arguments can reach him/her.
Apathetic person, searching or seeking just for
viscous and perverse entertainment do not want to think. Why change anything, if
as it is, is good?
Arrogant person does not think
self-critically, is unable to do so.
Apathetic person does not want to think,
because it's too big effort.
This is simply hopeless situation ... and it seems that
there is no way out ...
The devil has managed to deceive us well, he could not think of anything better or more or cunning to deceive humans!!!!
Are we doomed to "replay the original sin",
with all its consequences: the expulsion from Eden, the Flood, and the burning
of Sodom?
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Be aware !!!
