Genesis 15, 5-12. 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3, 17-4, 1; St. Luke 9, 28-36
Today we are called to reflect and meditate on the meaning and significance of the Transfiguration which can be called a mountaintop experience. the event of the Transfiguration of Jesus becomes God’s way of delivering the disciples from their crisis of faith. God opened the eyes of Peter and his fellow disciples and gave them a glimpse of God’s abiding presence with their Master Jesus. They were strengthened to believe that Jesus is the beloved Son of God and the Messiah, that he is the fulfilment of both the Law and the Prophets. God enlightened their vision and thereby they were reinforced in their discipleship.
When we are faced with absurdities of life, when we are disturbed by the experience of social injustice and discrimination, when personal and family crises—such as terminal illness, breakdown of relationship between husband and wife, between parent and child, and between friends—lead us to doubt the existence of God in our lives, we are all in need of this mountaintop experience. When our expectations arising from faith seem to be in total contrast with the actual reality of life, we are in need of this mountaintop experience to realize the abiding presence of God in our lives. Then shall we have the courage and the hope, knowing that through it all God is on our side.
As a missionary during my 16 years in Africa I sometimes experienced very touching situations. I remember one time when some African Christians were sitting in a village for a retreat. The subject was how to best spread the Gospel. Various methods were suggested running from literature and brochures, to videos, to radio announcements. Finally a young woman arose and she said, "When we judge that a pagan village is ready for the Lord Jesus, the first people we send in is a Christian family. It is their lives that will inspire the villagers to think seriously about becoming Christian. They are better than a hundred books or videos or radio announcements. They will be the keyhole through which others will see the Lord Christ. To spread the word and help the growth of the Church, Christians must not so much promote as attract." The woman's views carried the day.
As Albert Schweitzer, who was a superb "keyhole" or revelation to others by his own life, testified, "Example is not the main thing. It is the only thing."
There is a Christian proverb saying: “verba movent sed exempla trahunt” – which translated means: “words excite us, but examples attract and fascinate.”
"It’s also valid today in our daily lives. The best we can do in order to spread the message of Christ is to live our lives in such a way so that others can see God through us as they peek through the keyhole which is revealing how we live our lives."
The Lord "took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white." (Lk 9. 28-29) Why does the Lord reveal his glory to the Apostles in this way?
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that this grace was given to strengthen the Apostles for the Cross which was to come by giving them a glimpse of the Resurrection which would be purchased only by the blood shed upon the Cross.
The transformation or transfiguration of Jesus that the disciples experienced was not simply something they were to see and experience as happening to him alone. It was also an invitation for them to undergo a transformation and transfiguration of their own.
Like the Christ of today's Gospel, we too must become transfigured or transformed. The Teacher is saying to us, "Do not dwell on my Transfiguration overly long today. Rather, continue or perhaps begin to work on your own transfiguration." Christ is betting on each one of us here to become an attractive "keyhole through which others will see the Lord Christ.”
This then is what we are aiming for while Lent remains very young. Like the Christ of today's Gospel, we too must become transfigured. The Teacher is saying to us, "Do not dwell on my Transfiguration overly long today. Rather, continue or perhaps begin to work on your own." The Christ is betting on each one of us here to become an attractive keyhole.