The most difficult times can produce the greatest spiritual blessings. God truly knows just what we need at every moment!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas - 2011

True Christian Christmas

Christmas isn't showy gifts
Or glittering decoration;
It's honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ
In humble adoration.

It's serving those less fortunate,
Meeting their needs before our own;
It's making sure at Christmas time
That no one is alone.

It's taking what we would have spent
On things that no one needs,
And using it to help someone
With service and good deeds.

Our Savior showed us how to live
With charity, faith and service.
It makes the holidays a joy,
More peaceful, and less nervous.

So let's remember Christmas is
About our Savior's birth;
That's the way to happiness,
The way to peace on earth.

by Joanna Fuchs

Wishing you a Merry and Peaceful Christmas with my gifts of prayer and spiritual support …
Fr. Kazimierz Kubat SDS

Sunday, December 18, 2011

IV Sunday of Advent - B

IV Sunday of Advent - B

In the scene of today's Gospel we can see, first of all, that God is coming to His human creation and asking permission to save this creation. In another words, God is submitting His will to the disposition and the response of human beings. It is always like that, because God gave us an unquestionable gift of freedom and will never do anything against our freedom. Mary is the perfect example of the correct attitude of a human creation towards God's salvific will. When greeted by the words: "The Lord is with you" and assured "Do not be afraid" she quickly and honestly answers: "Fiat mihi secundum verbum Tuum" - "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."

At the same time we have to ask ourselves: "How often is our answer "I am ready. May it be according to your will"? God is always searching mankind, always running after him and begging him to accept God's proposal of friendship, and mankind -since original sin- is running away, searching his own will, very often against the will of God.

We can ask: WHY?

And the answer to this question seems to be quite easy and yet disturbing. God is proposing to us truth and salvation, which –it is true- is not always easy and comfortable, but we … we are searching something which is easy and comfortable but –unhappily- not true and not valuable. And this is why we are running away from God's will and choosing what seems to us better, easier and more convenient.

And this is our misery. Is it not true that under a banner of freedom, human rights and independence or even, sometimes science, we turn away from God and His proposal of salvation? Is it not true that when God became one of us, a human being – Jesus Christ, we are not able to accept Him because we are afraid that He will take away our freedom and put our independence in danger, asking too much of us, and expecting something we don’t  like to give?

The misery of Adam and Eve in paradise was that they didn't trust God, and they wanted to do everything their way. And they lost everything: eternal life, the friendship with God, natural and supernatural gifts.

The beauty of Mary at the Annunciation is that She totally submitted herself to the will of God and … She won all and not only for herself but for all of us. Her acceptance, Her FIAT, was the beginning of the new creation, the beginning of the way back home for the whole of humanity.
But there is one thing which has to be done by each one of us; I have to accept personally, totally and honestly the will of God in my life. I have to repeat after Her: "May it be done to me according to your word."

God, Who is always Emmanuel – "God with us" created us without our consent, but He cannot save us without our personal agreement. It would be against the most precious gift He gave us, against our freedom. And this is why He is asking and begging me: "Would you like to be saved?" Would you like to go the way I prepared for you, the way which is Jesus Christ, the way leading you to the house of the Father? It's true that this way is not easy or comfortable, but it is sure. Would you like to be my child?

What will be my answer?

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Second Sunday of Advent – 04.12.2011

Listening to the words of this beautiful Advent's song
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
Give your people hope
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
and lead your people home

I am thinking actually how it is possible that being a Christian, a disciple of Christ, His servant and His follower I am very often miserable, unhappy, frustrated, disappointed, sad and depressed? Where from are coming all these awful feelings and sentiments of hopelessness, irritation, anger, sadness and dissatisfaction?

With a sincere and honest longing I am singing at the beginning of Advent this wonderful hymn:
O Lord of light, fill the night
Many have lost their way
O Rising Dawn, shine upon us,
darkness shall be no more

And then I read in the prophet Isaiah:
"Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her service is at an end,
her guilt is expiated; indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD
double for all her sins.

 Are they not comforting … these words? And yet there is still some kind of discomfort, grief and sorrow.
Where from does it come all this unhappiness and lack of deep, Christian joy?

And constantly is coming the refrain of this song:
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
Give your people hope
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
and lead your people home

And so, …. I am reading the Bible and searching what is wrong with humanity, why despite of all our achievements, scientific and technological successes we are constantly unhappy and depressed. Last week I read a shocking information that in USA every ten minutes a teenager is committing a suicide !!!

O Lord of light, fill the night
Many have lost their way
O Rising Dawn, shine upon us,
darkness shall be no more

And yet still it is … depressing and discouraging, hopeless and helpless, irritating and annoying …
And in this pain comes the question: "Why is He not coming? Why is He waiting and a why He abandoned me?

And then I read the Gospel of this Sunday with the clear words of courageous John the Baptist:

"Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths."

And I realized in an instant that the origin of my fear and desolation, unhappiness and misery is the fact that I am not ready to receive Him, that I didn't prepare my ways, the simple fact that I am still so strongly attached to my sins and my weaknesses, my habits and my caprices.

To sing –even very sincerely and devotedly:
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
Give your people hope
Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
and lead your people home

is helpless because the problem is not on the side of Jesus, the problem lies in me 

And on top of this comes –like a lightning of discovery- one simple sentence from Western Catholic Reporter, where for last few weeks Glen Argan is referring about the spiritual theology of St. Francis de Sales, who said in a very simple and yet strong and shocking way:

"The source of all your unhappiness and frustration is the fact that you don't love and don't follow the will of God". Following your own will and your caprices you are constantly fighting against the HOLY WILL OF GOD. Do you think that you will ever win? And this is why you are unhappy and sad, frustrated and disappointed, depressed and irritated.

Come Lord, come Lord Jesus
Give your people hope

And first help us to prepare the ways for you, make straight the paths of our crocked life …