The most difficult times can produce the greatest spiritual blessings. God truly knows just what we need at every moment!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Advent - 2009

Advent ... a time of waiting ... a time of preparing ... waiting and preparing for what?

for Jesus ...

But who is Jesus for me?

Do I even need Jesus in my life?

And what do my hands have to offer Him?

Am I self-sufficient, in organizing, planning and dealing with things - living in the illusion that I am capable of getting everything done on my own?

If so, then my hands are closed with a tight fist, in a posture such as a body builder who looks in the mirror to show off the muscles with pride.

Or, by living in the truth - do I take the posture of a poor beggar, seeing my weakness, my need for a Saviour who will pay the debt of my sinfulness?

In this situation, my hands will be cupped open and upturned, waiting to be filled with Gods graces of love and mercy ... ready to receive my Saviour.

Advent ... an opportunity to pray that my soul would be prepared and in a state of grace,

which would be open to accept the gift of God's Son,

at Christmas ... and at every Eucharist.

Humility is so important because God is ready to give everything to the person who credits nothing to himself...

"Reflections on Faith"

Advent is a time to welcome Jesus, the Son of God coming to you ... what are you waiting for!

Will you have the time for:

St. Matthew Parish Advent Mission

Dates: Saturday December 05 ç to è Wednesday December 09, 2009

Theme: Nothing More Beautiful than to know Jesus Christ


- Jesus Incarnate

Saturday 05 December

- 7:00 PM - Mass in Rocky Mountain House,

- 7:30 PM – First Conference

Sunday 06 December

- 9:00 AM - Mass in Rocky Mountain House

- 9:40 AM – First Conference

- 11:00 AM – Mass in Evergreen

- 11:40 AM – First Conference

- 1:00 PM – Mass in Caroline

- 1:40 PM – First conference

All Conferences after all Masses are presented by John Paul Markides

– Jesus Emmanuel

Monday 07 December in Rocky Mountain House

in RMH - 7:00 PM Mass

- 7:30 PM Second Conference Patty Higgins

in Evergreen - 7:00 PM Third Conference - Tim Hoven

- Jesus Messiah

Tuesday 08 December in Rocky Mountain House

in RMH - 9:00 AM Conference in St. Matthew School (grades 4-8)

- 2:00 PM Conference in St. Dominic School

- 7:00 PM Mass

- 7:30 PM Third Conference - Tim Hoven

Penitential Service

Wednesday 09 December in Rocky Mountain House

- 7:00 PM short conference and Penitential Service

in Evergreen

- 7:00 PM – short conference (Deacon) and Penitential Service

The schedule of the Christmas' and New Year's Masses:

Christmas Masses:

24.12. 2009 - Thursday - Christmas Eve

7 PM Mass for children

24 - Midnight Mass for all

25.12. 2009 - Friday - Christmas

9 AM - Mass in RMH

11 AM Mass in Evergreen

1 PM - Mass in Caroline

26.12. 2009 - Saturday - Boxing Day

7 PM - Mass in RMH

27.12.2009 - Sunday

9 AM - Mass in RMH

11 AM - Mass in Evergreen

1 PM - Mass in Caroline

New Year Masses:

31.12. 2009 - Thursday

4 PM Mass in Evergreen

7 PM - Thanksgiving Mass in RMH

01.01. 2010 - Friday - New Year - Solemnity of the Mother of God - Holy day of obligation

11 AM - Mass in RMH

1 PM - Mass in Caroline

02.01. 2010 - Saturday

7 PM - Mass in RMH

03.01. 2010 - Sunday

9 AM - Mass in RMH

11 AM - Mass in Evergreen

1 PM - Mass in Caroline

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