The most difficult times can produce the greatest spiritual blessings. God truly knows just what we need at every moment!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

15 October - Saint Therese of Avilla - vision of Hell – shocking therapy …

It's frustrating how blindly people are following for example the dietitian's advices and how stupidly –at the same time- they are rejecting much more important advices of Jesus. This is the most frustrating how blind people are, how blind and senseless … and when it comes to the final stage of their life, the only one who is responsible is …. Obviously God !!! He is to be blamed, He is to be accused, He is to be condemned for the catastrophe in my stupid life …

I don’t know why I see it in such a terribly dramatic way?

And what is more frustrating is the fact that seeing it in this way, I am living in the middle of all this and doing nothing !!!! or almost nothing. I have to smile nicely, to be polite, to not be judgmental, not offensive and to be kind … whereas inside everything is shouting: "wake up, we all are going to hell !!!!!!"

Yes, certainly God is in charge, but He gave us a free will and a responsibility for what we are doing and choosing … and it is true that somehow by this crazy Synod "the truth is being brought forward but much harm has already been done." This is the most frustrating moment in all the story … harm is done with a smile and kindness, harm is done in the politically correct way, the people are guided to hell with a smile and in a "Hallmark nice way", and they follow it like a blind sheep … happy and almost delighted …

This was the situation of St. Theresa of Avilla, who until the certain moment in her Carmelite's life (some 20 years after entering convent) was living a very worldly life … it was just the vision of hell thatshocked her deeply and converted her.

I wish sincerely for all and every Christian to have this grace to experience the vision of Hell … Maybe it's a shocking therapy, but better a shocking therapy then final and eternal damnation …

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