The most difficult times can produce the greatest spiritual blessings. God truly knows just what we need at every moment!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Advent Parish Mission in Perth


Main topic:                Humanity is lost without God

St Paul – man with the realistic vision says that the World is living in a deep misery because it doesn’t know God.

1 day - Saturday – Sunday (29-30 November)
The value of the Gospel
All Masses
Where are we now? Why are we lost? How did we get there?
Diagnosis and expectations, the fundamental hostility between the World and Christ

2 day – Monday (1 December)
Justification trough Faith in Jesus Christ

6:30pm – Mass in the church and after the Mass at 7:00m – conference in the Parish Hall
Where are we going? From darkness into Light
How will we get there? Faith in Christ à Love of Christ à obedience to Christ
Salvation – man’s way and God’s way, wrong idea of self-salvation.

3 day – Tuesday (2 December)
Duties of Christians

7:00pm – Mass with the conference in the church
How do we win eternal life? New life in Christ

4 day – Wednesday (3 December)
Penitential Service

7:00pm - with an opportunity for an individual confession- multiple priests available

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